Thursday, January 1, 2009

Making Old-Fashioned Santa's with Grandmother Dear!


Anne@BackyardTreasures said...

Hi Willow,

The santas are really cute (and so are your children). :-) That must be your mom in the picture.

Happy New Year to you and the family.


Laurel said...

Yay! Thanks to finding Sky on FB, I've found your blog. I always thought you'd be a great blogger, and I'm looking forward to catching up a bit. I've wondered how to get back in touch with you for years... glad to be able to see you and your gang!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, This is Nana. I didn't know if you rememebered that when I was a little girl my grandmother made these Santa apples with my two sisters and I, every year.
I made them every year with my own children and now my grandchildren.
We had fun this Christmas making the apples.
The Bryan children gobbled them up right after they made them. The Smith tribe took a while to consume them. Little Safari demonstrated the whole ordeal. He was a pretty good teacher for only being one year old!